A new framework to navigate the nature of work organization?

In every company, it's possible to see individuals contributing in three types of work: Produce, Organize, and Publish.

[Lorenzo Conti] · 260 words · 2 min read · Nov 28, 2023
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A new framework to navigate the nature of work organization?

In every company, it’s possible to see individuals contributing in three types of work: Produce, Organize, and Publish.

  1. Produce Work: this involves the day-to-day creation of artifacts - e.g. in software companies - source code, design docs, code reviews, postmortems, and more.
  2. Organize Work: setting the stage for productivity by organizing meetings, coordinating initiatives, and improving workflows within groups.
  3. Publish Work: elevating your impact by sharing and promoting work through various channels like 1:1s, status updates, presentations, and tech talks.

As you climb the professional ladder, the expectation grows for you to excel in organizing and publishing at the next level.

Sources of conflict

  • Politics: Publish work masked as productive or organizational work.
  • Strategy: Disagreement on priorities in producing work.
  • Execution: Imbalance between organizing and producing work.

Strategic Leadership’s Responsibility

Leaders must precisely diagnose conflict sources, being intolerant of suboptimal self-promotion that doesn’t align with the company’s goals.

Line Managers’ Responsibility

Creating clarity for each employee regarding the optimal allocation of time across the three work types. Failure to do so results in frustration and subjective defaults.

I really like these concepts.

How can we further explore this framework?

Thank you to Shreyas Doshi for the initial seed, and to Gergely Orosz for mentioning it in his latest book, “The Software Engineer’s Guidebook ”.

What’s next?

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