SCOPE™ app

With SCOPE (Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy), you can see your profile of energy that you have available (operational) for use right now (currently) with respect to the specific task you’re rating.

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Maximize Your Chances of High Performance for Anything You’re Going to Do!

Your skill doesn’t change from day to day - it’s your energy that changes and affects how well you perform.

Whether it’s a sports, work, or home activity, learning to shift your energy is the one thing that changes EVERYTHING!

The higher your Performance Factor, the more likely it is that you’ll perform well. Keep in mind that everything you do in life can be related to performance. How energetically engaged you are with respect to any task will increase the likelihood of performing it well.

Designed to be taken before any task, activity, or performance, the SCOPE assessment gives you a “Performance Factor” which lets you know how energetically engaged you are in that moment with respect to what you’re rating. The higher your Performance Factor, the more likely it is that you’ll perform well. Keep in mind that everything you do in life can be related to performance.

How energetically engaged you are with respect to any task will increase the likelihood of performing it well. When you take a SCOPE assessment, you’ll know which factors (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, and/or environmental) are affecting the energy in your “fuel tank.”

Your COR.E Dynamics Specialist is an expert in working with the SCOPE assessment and will be able to help you optimize your upcoming performances, activities, and tasks.

When Should You Take SCOPE?

You can take the SCOPE assessment before any performance or task you’re about to do. When you take SCOPE beforehand, fill out the assessment based on how you feel NOW, not how you think or expect you’ll feel when you’re actually performing or completing the task.

You can take SCOPE afterwards as well; if you do, take it as you actually were feeling during the activity. After you complete SCOPE, your results and suggested strategies for raising your energy will appear on the screen.

What Kind of Tasks Should You Rate?

It is possible to rate a wide variety of tasks including:

  • Practicing a skill
  • Performing a skill
  • Speaking on stage
  • Making healthy lifestyle choices
  • Meeting with a client
  • Going to work in the morning
  • Having dinner with a friend
  • Participating in an athletic competition
  • Taking part in a social event
  • Working with a team
  • Communicating about a challenging issue
  • And more!

What Is the Difference with ELI?

The Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) assessment, taken by tens of thousands of people over the last decade, measures one’s overall energy, both in ideal circumstances and under stress. The assessment is amazingly accurate at pinpointing the underlying thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that dictate what you do and how you do it, and the awareness and insights it produces have literally changed lives.

So, while the ELI measures overall energy, with SCOPE, you can measure your energy in any given moment.

The SCOPE App is an effective tool that accompanies the COR.E Leadership Dynamics™ (CLD) Coaching Program.

Learn more about COR.E Leadership Dynamics™ (CLD) Program

Want to go even further?

If you’re ready to take your leadership to the next level, Leadership Boot offers a free discovery call to learn more about how coaching can help you get there!

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